Run Traceroute for a Machine

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The CommandCTRL application includes a number of Agent tools that provide you with just-in-time insight into the state of an end user's machine. One of these is the traceroute function, which tracks the pathway taken by a packet on an IP network from source to destination, reporting the IP addresses of all routers it pings in between. Traceroute also records the time taken for each hop the packet makes during its route to the destination. To run traceroute for a machine, complete the following steps:

  1. In the side navigation panel, go to InventoryMachines.
  2. On the Machines screen that appears, locate and click the name of the machine you want to run a traceroute.
  3. In the side navigation panel, click the Diagnostics link.
  4. On the screen that opens, locate the Traceroute widget, which is usually on the far right.
  5. Enter the IP address of the machine you want to run .
  6. Click the Traceroute! button.
  7. (Optional) Click the copy link in the command field to copy the traceroute details.