Placing Signed SSL Certificates on the Appliances


Note: This document applies to Stratusphere versions 6.6.0-2 and earlier. For instructions on how to place signed SSL certificates on appliances starting with Stratusphere 6.6.1, refer to the 6.6.1 version of this document.

This document provides instructions on how to place signed SSL certificates on the Stratusphere Hub, Database, and Collector appliances. Apart from getting rid of the alarming warning each time the Stratusphere Hub Web UI is accessed, placing a signed SSL certificate provides verifiable identification and security compliance to administrator & users accessing the Web UI of Stratusphere.

If you are using a version of Stratusphere Hub, Database, and Collector older than 5.6.0, upgrade to the latest version or contact for additional information to upgrade.


  1. Procure any change controls required to make changes to the production Stratusphere Hub & Database appliances.
  2. Acquire credentials of the console users as per the platform i.e., <username> as friend on VMware, Citrix, and Nutanix, ec2-user on AWS, azureuser on Azure, and root users to access the console of the Stratusphere Hub, Database, and Collector appliances.
  3. Procure access to the local console of the Stratusphere Hub, Database, and Collector Appliances depending on the hypervisor on which the Hub is housed. Alternatively, an SCP client such as Windows 10 Command Prompt and PuTTY can also be used to access the console of the Hub, Database, and Collector provided SSH (TCP/22) access is allowed to the appliances.
  4. Download and install your favorite SCP client such as WinSCP or FileZilla or similar to download certificate requests and upload the SSL Certificate files.
  5. Be aware that you will need to start the initial steps to prepare the SSL certificate request, pause in the middle of the instructions as you submit the request to the Certifying Authority (CA), and then receive your certificate. This may take minutes, hours, or even days depending on your CA. You will then use the new certificate to complete the process.


  1. Ad Hoc: Import and Install a PFX Certificate
  2. Traditional: Generate a Request, Import & Install an SSL certificate.

Scenario 1: Ad Hoc: Import and Install a PFX Certificate

This scenario applies when the IT or Security department created a certificate without using a request generated by a Stratusphere appliance. It walks the user through the steps to import the certificate, apply the right permissions, and then install it in the appropriate locations.

Instructions for the Stratusphere Hub & Collector Appliances

  1. Use your favorite SCP client, such as WinSCP, to upload the PFX file to /home/<username>/ (replace <username> with friend/ec2-user/azureuser) on the Hub or Collector using credentials for the <username> on your platform i.e., <username> as friend on VMware, Citrix, and Nutanix, ec2-user on AWS, and azureuser on Azure.
  2. Use your favorite SSH client, such as Windows 10 Command Prompt or PuTTY, to connect and log in using the credentials for <username> and run sudo bash to change to root user. When prompted, enter the password for your <username>.
  3. Export the certificate from the PFX file by running the following command on the command line (replace <username> as appropriate along with the OFX file name YOURCERTNAME):
  4. Copy
    openssl pkcs12 -in /home/<username>/YOURCERTNAME.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out /home/<username>/
  5. Export the private key file from the PFX file:
  6. Copy
    openssl pkcs12 -in /home/<username>/YOURCERTNAME.pfx -nocerts -nodes -out /home/<username>/
  7. Remove the passphrase from the private key (if needed):
  8. Copy
    openssl rsa -in /home/<username>/ -out /home/<username>/
  9. Back up the working or existing certificate and key:
  10. Copy
    cp /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt.backup
    cp /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key.backup
  11. Copy the new certificate and key into the same location:
  12. Copy
    cp /home/<username>/ /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt
    cp /home/<username>/ /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key
  13. Update ownership, permissions, and the security context of the certificate and key:
  14. Copy
    chown root:root /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt
    chmod 644 /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt
    chmod 640 /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key
    restorecon -RF /etc/lwl/ssl
  15. Restart the Web Server to load the newly added SSL Certificate.
  16. On versions up to 6.1.1, use the following command:
  17. Copy
    /etc/init.d/httpd restart
  18. On versions 6.1.3, 6.1.4, use the following command:
  19. Copy
    /etc/init.d/lwl-httpd24 restart
  20. On versions 6.5.0 and higher, use the following command:
  21. Copy
    systemctl restart httpd
  22. Check that httpd is running:
  23. On versions up to 6.1.1, use the following command:
  24. Copy
    /etc/init.d/httpd status
  25. On versions 6.1.3, 6.1.4, use the following command:
  26. Copy
    /etc/init.d/lwl-httpd24 status
  27. On versions 6.5.0 and higher, use the following command:
  28. Copy
    systemctl status httpd
  29. If httpd restarted successfully after the cert was replaced, the Stratusphere Web UI should be accessible. Check that your browser shows the correct certificate.

Instructions for the Stratusphere Database Appliances

  1. Use your favorite SCP client, such as WinSCP, to upload the PFX file to /home/<username>/ (replace <username> with friend/ec2-user/azureuser) on the Database using credentials for the <username> on your platform i.e., <username> as friend on VMware, Citrix, and Nutanix, ec2-user on AWS, and azureuser on Azure.
  2. Use your favorite SSH client, such as Windows 10 Command Prompt or PuTTY, to connect and log in using the credentials for <username> and run sudo bash to change to root user. When prompted, enter the password for your <username>.
  3. Export the certificate from the PFX file by running the following command on the command line (replace <username> as appropriate along with the OFX file name YOURCERTNAME):
  4. Copy
    openssl pkcs12 -in /home/<username>/YOURCERTNAME.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out /home/<username>/
  5. Export the private key file from the PFX file:
  6. Copy
    openssl pkcs12 -in /home/<username>/YOURCERTNAME.pfx -nocerts -nodes -out /home/<username>/
  7. Remove the passphrase from the private key (if needed):
  8. Copy
    openssl rsa -in /home/<username>/ -out /home/<username>/
  9. Back up the working or existing certificate and key:
  10. Copy
    cp /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.crt /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.crt.backup
    cp / var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key / var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key.backup
  11. Copy the new certificate and key into the same location:
  12. Copy
    cp /home/<username>/ / var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.crt
    cp /home/<username>/ / var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key
  13. Update ownership, permissions, and the security context of the certificate and key:
  14. Copy
    chown postgres:postgres / var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.crt
    chmod 400 / var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.crt
    chown postgres:postgres / var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key
    chmod 400 / var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key
  15. Restart the Postgres Database Server to load the newly added SSL Certificate.
  16. On versions prior to 6.5.0, use the following command:
  17. Copy
    /etc/init.d/postgresql<PRESS-TAB-KEY> restart
  18. On versions 6.5.0 and higher, use the following command:
  19. Copy
    systemctl restart postgresql-12
  20. Check whether the Postgres Database Server is running:
  21. On versions prior to 6.5.0, use the following command:
  22. Copy
    /etc/init.d/postgresql-<PRESS-TAB-KEY> status
  23. On versions 6.5.0 and higher, use the following command:
  24. Copy
    systemctl status postgresql-12
  25. If postgresql-12 service restarted successfully, then new certificate was accepted.

Scenario 2: Traditional: Generate a Request, Import, and Install an SSL Certificate

In this scenario, Stratusphere administrators will execute a script which prompts the end user for relevant inputs to create a certificate request. After entering information for the generation of the certificate request, the end user must download the certificate request file, send it to the Certifying Authority (CA) to receive the certificate back, and then place it back on the appliance to install it.

Instructions for the Stratusphere Hub Appliance

  1. Use your favorite SSH client, such as Windows 10 Command Prompt or PuTTY, to connect and log in to the Stratusphere Hub appliance console using the credentials for <username> on your platform i.e., <username> as friend on VMware, Citrix, and Nutanix, ec2-user on AWS, and azureuser on Azure. The default password is sspassword.
  2. Switch to the root user by executing the sudo bash command. When prompted, enter the password for your <username>. The default password is sspassword.
  3. Change to the following folder using the command:
  4. Copy
    cd /home/friend
  5. Enter the following commands to generate a new key and backup the original:
  6. Copy
    openssl genrsa 2048 > /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key.2048
    cp /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key.original
  7. Press CTRL+C on your keyboard to copy the information below into a text editor like Notepad:
  8. Copy
    default_bits        = 2048
    distinguished_name  = req_distinguished_name
    req_extensions      = req_ext
    countryName         = Country Name (2 letter code)

    stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)

    localityName        = Locality Name (eg, city)

    organizationName    = Organization Name (eg, company)

    commonName          = Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name)


    subjectAltName      = @alt_names


    DNS.1               = insert your alternate dns here

    DNS.2               = insert your alternate dns here

    DNS.3               = insert your alternate dns here
  9. Within Notepad, edit the lines under [alt_names] for DNS.1 through DNS.3 and enter additional DNS names for the Hub. This step is necessary to address compatibility errors on Google Chrome related to missing Subject Alternative Name and/or NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID errors. After the DNS alternate names are updated, copy the entire contents of Notepad to your clipboard by pressing CTRL+C.
  10. In the SSH Client’s command prompt used in #3 above, execute the following command to open a text editor like vi.
  11. Copy
    vi /etc/lwl/ssl/name.req.config
  12. This opens a blank text configuration file that needs to be populated with what is copied to the clipboard.
  13. Perform the following to save the contents to the file:
    1. Press the I key to go into insert mode.
    2. Right-click your mouse to paste the clipboard contents from Notepad within the vi editor.
    3. Press the ESC key to exit insert mode.
    4. Type :wq! to write and quit the vi editor.
  14. Execute the following command in the command prompt to generate a certificate request on the Stratusphere Hub using the existing SSL Key.
  15. Copy
    openssl req -key /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key.2048 -config /etc/lwl/ssl/name.req.config -out hubcertrequest.csr -new -sha256
  16. When prompted for a common name, provide your Hub’s fully qualified DNS name.
  17. Copy
    common name: <>
  18. The certificate request is generated in the following location:
  19. Copy
  20. Enter the following to change ownership of the file so that it is accessible to the <username> for the platform, such as friend, ec2-user or azureuser user. Here is an example for the friend user:
  21. Copy
    chown friend:friend /home/friend/hubcertrequest.csr
  22. Use your favorite SCP client, such as WinSCP or similar software, to connect to the appliance using its IP or DNS address, with SCP protocol and connecting to Port 22 using the credentials of the platform <username> (e.g., friend or ec2-user or azureuser user) to download this certificate request from /home/friend/hubcertrequest.csr file to your local desktop.
  23. Provide this certificate request file to your security provider or Certifying Authority and request that they provide the SSL Certificate specifically in base64 / PEM format. For these instructions, call the SSL Certificate file hubsslcert.crt. When you see references to hubsslcert.crt in this document, you should substitute the actual name of the SSL Certificate file you received from your security provider or Certifying Authority.
  24. Important: Pause here until you receive your SSL certificate from your provider, then complete the process using the following instructions.

  25. Use your favorite SCP client, such as WinSCP or similar software, to connect to the appliance using its IP or DNS address, with SCP protocol and connecting to Port 22 using the credentials of the platform <username> (e.g., friend or ec2-user or azureuser user) to upload the hubsslcert.crt SSL Certificate file to your Stratusphere Hub or Collector in the /home/friend/hubsslcert.crt location.
  26. On the Stratusphere Hub local console, while still logged in as the root user, make a copy the original SSL certificate as a backup:
  27. Copy
    cp /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt.orig
  28. Place the new key and certificate in place of the original and modify the file permissions as follows:
  29. Copy
    cp /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key.2048 /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key
    mv /home/friend/hubsslcert.crt /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt
    chown root:root /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt
    chmod 644 /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt
    chmod 640 /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key
    restorecon -RF /etc/lwl/ssl
  30. Restart the Web Server to load the newly added SSL Certificate.
  31. On versions up to 6.1.1, use the following command:
  32. Copy
    /etc/init.d/httpd restart
  33. On versions 6.1.3 to 6.1.5, use the following command:
  34. Copy
    /etc/init.d/lwl-httpd24 restart
  35. On versions 6.5.0 and higher, use the following command:
  36. Copy
    systemctl restart httpd
  37. Using your browser of choice, log in to the Stratusphere Hub Web UI. Ensure that the UI Login page shows with no certificate related warning. Also verify the information within the certificate provided by the browser address bar.

Instructions for the Stratusphere Database Appliance

  1. Use your favorite SSH client, such as Windows 10 Command Prompt or PuTTY, to connect and log in to the Stratusphere Database appliance console using the credentials for <username> on your platform i.e., <username> as friend on VMware, Citrix, and Nutanix, ec2-user on AWS, and azureuser on Azure. The default password is sspassword.
  2. Switch to the root user by executing the sudo bash command. When prompted, enter the password for your <username>.
  3. Change to the following folder using the command:
  4. Copy
    cd /home/friend
  5. Enter the following commands:
  6. Copy
    openssl genrsa 2048 > /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key.2048
    cp /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key.original
  7. Generate a certificate request on the Stratusphere Database using the existing SSL Key.
  8. Copy
    openssl req -key /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key.2048 -out dbcertrequest.csr -new -sha256
  9. When prompted for common name, make sure you provide your database’s fully qualified DNS name.
  10. Copy
    common name: <>
  11. The certificate request is generated in the following location:
  12. Copy
  13. Enter the following to change ownership of the file so that it is accessible to the <username> for the platform, such as friend, ec2-user or azureuser user. Here is an example for the friend user:
  14. Copy
    chown friend:friend /home/friend/dbcertrequest.csr
  15. Use WinSCP or FileZilla or similar software to download this certificate request /home/friend/dbcertrequest.csr file to your local desktop. In WinSCP or FileZilla, use the User ID friend and the password sspassword as credentials within the program. Use the SCP protocol with WinSCP (Port 22).
  16. Provide this certificate request file to your security provider or Certifying Authority and request that they provide the SSL Certificate specifically in base64 / PEM format. For these instructions, call the SSL Certificate file server.crt. When you see references to server.crt in this document, you should substitute the actual name of the SSL Certificate file you received from your security provider or Certifying Authority.
  17. Important: Pause here until you receive your SSL certificate from your provider, then complete the process using the following instructions.

  18. Use WinSCP or FileZilla or similar software to upload the server.crt SSL Certificate file to your Stratusphere database in the /home/friend/server.crt location. In WinSCP or FileZilla, use the User ID friend and the password sspassword as credentials within the program. Use the SCP protocol with WinSCP (Port 22).
  19. On the Stratusphere Database local console, while still logged in as the root user, make a copy the original SSL certificate as a backup:
  20. Copy
    cp /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.crt /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.crt.orig
  21. Place the new key and certificate in place of the original and modify the file permissions as follows:
  22. Copy
    cp /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key.2048 /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key
    mv /home/friend/server.crt /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.crt
    chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.crt
    chmod 400 /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.crt
    chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key
    chmod 400 /var/lib/pgsql/current/data/server.key
  23. Restart the database server to load the newly added SQL Certificate:
  24. On versions prior to 6.5.0, use the following command:
  25. Copy
    /etc/init.d/postgresql<PRESS-TAB-KEY> restart
  26. On versions 6.5.0 and higher, use the following command:
  27. Copy
    systemctl restart postgresql-12

Instructions for the Stratusphere Collector Appliance

  1. Use your favorite SSH client, such as Windows 10 Command Prompt or PuTTY, to connect and log in to the Stratusphere Hub appliance console using the credentials for <username> on your platform i.e., <username> as friend on VMware, Citrix, and Nutanix, ec2-user on AWS, and azureuser on Azure. The default password is sspassword.
  2. Switch to the root user by executing the sudo bash command. When prompted, enter the password for your <username>. The default password is sspassword.
  3. Change to the following folder using the command:
  4. Copy
    cd /home/friend
  5. Enter the following commands to generate a new key and backup the original:
  6. Copy
    openssl genrsa 2048 > /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key.2048
    cp /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key.original
  7. Generate a certificate request on the Stratusphere Collector using the existing SSL Key.
  8. Copy
    openssl req -key /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key.2048 -out colcertrequest.csr -new -sha256
  9. When prompted for common name, provide your Collector’s fully qualified DNS name.
  10. Copy
    common name: <>
  11. The certificate request is generated in the following location:
  12. Copy
  13. Enter the following to change ownership of the file so that it is accessible to the <username> for the platform, such as friend, ec2-user or azureuser user. Here is an example for the friend user:
  14. Copy
    chown friend:friend /home/friend/colcertrequest.csr
  15. Use WinSCP or FileZilla or similar software download this certificate request /home/friend/colcertrequest.csr file to your local desktop. In WinSCP or FileZilla, use the User ID friend and password sspassword as credentials within the program. Use the SCP protocol with WinSCP (Port 22).
  16. Provide this certificate request file to your security provider or Certifying Authority and request that they provide the SSL Certificate specifically in base64 / PEM format.
  17. For these instructions, call the SSL Certificate file colsslcert.crt. When you see references to colsslcert.crt in this document, you should substitute the actual name of the SSL Certificate file you received from your security provider or Certifying Authority.
  18. Important: Pause here until you receive your SSL certificate from your provider, then complete the process using the following instructions.

  19. Use WinSCP or FileZilla or similar software to upload the colsslcert.crt SSL Certificate file to your Stratusphere Hub in the /home/friend/colsslcert.crt location. In WinSCP or FileZilla, use the User ID friend and the password sspassword as credentials within the program. Use the SCP protocol with WinSCP (Port 22).
  20. On the Stratusphere Collector local console, while still logged in as the root user, make a copy the original SSL certificate as a backup:
  21. Copy
    cp /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt.orig
  22. Place the new key and certificate in place of the original and modify the file permissions as follows:
  23. Copy
    cp /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key.2048 /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key
    mv /home/friend/colsslcert.crt /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt
    chown root:root /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt
    chmod 644 /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.crt
    chmod 640 /etc/lwl/ssl/ssl.key
    restorecon -RF /etc/lwl/ssl
  24. Restart the Collector to load the newly added SSL Certificate.
  25. On versions up to 6.1.1, use the following command:
  26. Copy
    /etc/init.d/httpd restart
  27. On versions 6.1.3 to 6.1.5, use the following command:
  28. Copy
    /etc/init.d/lwl-httpd24 restart
  29. On versions 6.5.0 and higher, use the following command:
  30. Copy
    systemctl restart httpd