CommandCTRL 1.1 Release Notes (June 13, 2024)

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We're excited to announce the latest updates to Liquidware's CommandCTRL, designed to enhance your experience and offer more flexibility and control in managing your environment.

Major Updates

Enhanced Trigger Management

  • Customizable Triggers: Triggers are now fully editable, allowing you to tailor them specifically to meet the unique demands of your environment.

Community Edition Limitations

  • History Limit: The Community Edition of CommandCTRL now retains up to 24 hours of historical data.

Unique Tenant Names

  • Tenant Identification: To improve management and security, tenant names are now required to be unique across all tenants.

Expanded Self-Service Options

  • Direct Purchases and License Management: Customers can now purchase CommandCTRL directly from the console. We support both credit card and ACH bank transfers, with options for monthly or yearly billing. Licenses can also be added on demand at any time.

Gateway Traffic Control

  • Reduced Gateway Ping Traffic: To prevent network congestion and enhance performance, the new Gateway Ping Control feature allows administrators to disable the ping to gateways from agents. This adjustment can be made at the tenant level, ensuring that thousands of computers do not overwhelm the network by pinging their gateways too frequently. 

Advanced Process Identification

  • Expanded OpenAPI Models: Enhancements to process identification now include support for additional models, such as gpt-3.5-turbo-0125, gpt-4, and gpt-4-turbo, providing more accurate and efficient results.

Improved Search Functionality

  • User Principal Name (UPN) Search: The UPN of users is now searchable via the search option in the upper right-hand corner of the interface.

Export Capabilities

  • Windows Event Viewer Export: Users can now export logs from the Windows Event Viewer, including application, security, and system logs, from the diagnostic section.

Issues Resolved

  • Fixed an issue where the client-side time was out of sync by 10 seconds, and the agent could not communicate with the CommandCTRL cloud.
  • Fixed an issue where Quick Assist would time out and fail.
  • Fixed an issue where the Network Stats Widget was missing from history.
  • Fixed an issue where Quick Assist was an option on server OS where it is unsupported by Microsoft.
  • Fixed an issue where a temporary block of an agent left the agent service stopped.
  • Fixed an issue where sockets and cores were inaccurately reported.
  • Fixed an issue where the Real-Time Dashboard 3 dots option did not work for the location widget.
  • Fixed an issue where Remote Assist was missing the password and the .msrcincident file was corrupt.
  • Fixed an issue where the Real-Time view on a blocked machine just showed offline.
  • Fixed an issue where Machine Block did not allow searching for the machine name.
  • Fixed an issue where a blocked agent for 10 minutes never became unblocked.
  • Fixed an issue where Group Policy Reports had the following scopes: 0, 1, 2, All, that are not supported.
  • Fixed an issue where Shell Scripting Window CTRL+C was problematic.