Add a Tenant

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To add a tenant, complete the following steps:

Note: You can add up to five tenants. The name of the tenant must be at least three characters and begin with a letter. The tenant you create is a trial. If the trial has expired, the tenant becomes inactive or your subscription has expired, the tenant will no longer be available after 90 days. Within the 90-day period, you can reactivate that tenant. After 30 additional days (90 + 30 = 120 days), the system purges the tenant and all agents that remain associated with that tenant will automatically be uninstalled.

  1. Click your user profile icon in the top right corner of the CommandCTRL screen.
  2. In the drop-down field that appears, click the My Profile option.
  3. In the Tenants area, on the far right, click New.

    The New Tenant dialog box appears.

  4. Click in the Name field.

    A drop-down appears with a list of names you can select.

  5. Select a name from the drop-down or type a name in the field.
  6. Click Submit.