Change a User's Role

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Note: This functionality is only available to Admin and Owner users.

To change the role assigned to a user in CommandCTRL, complete the following steps:

  1. Open CommandCTRL.
  2. In the side navigation panel, go to Settings > Users.
  3. In the Users table that appears, locate the user's email address and click it.
  4. On the user details screen that pops up, do one of the following:
    • Click the X icon beside the user's current role to remove it, then select a new role from the Roles drop-down list.
    • Keep the user's existing role and add an additional one by clicking the assign role... link and selecting from the role list that appears. If the user is assigned the system Administrator role, that role contains all permissions, so it overrides all other roles and role restrictions that are assigned to the user.
  5. Click the Save Changes button.