Install the CommandCTRL Agent on a Mac Machine

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Installing the Agent

This is for installing the agent on a single or multiple Mac machines.

  1. Download the most recent mac agent .DMG file from the CommandCTRL console.

  2. The CommandCTRL.pkg appears on the desktop.
  3. Launch the CommandCTRL.pkg.

  4. The CommandCTRL installer Introduction dialog box appears.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. The CommandCTRL installer License agreement dialog box appears.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. The CommandCTRL installer Installation Type dialog box appears.

  9. Click Install.
  10. Enter the password you use to log into that machine.

  11. The CommandCTRL installer Summary dialog box appears.

  12. Click Close.
  13. Open a terminal window.
  14. Change the CommandCTRL install path as shown in the first command line of the previous screen to where CommandCTRL resides in your environment.
  15. Press the Enter key.
  16. The second command line in the previous screen displays <your tenantID> and <your apiKey>. Install the CommandCTRL service as Root and replace <your tenantID> (e.g., 6274957583) and <your apiKey> (e.g., AWBCT2CUSR79AB7N8L9J) with your tenant ID and api key.
  17. Press the Enter key.

    The command is executed and the following screen shows the agent was successfully installed.

Agent Updates

To enable or disable automatic updates, complete the following steps:

  1. In the side navigation panel, go to SettingsSite.
  2. In the Agent Settings section, the enable/disable switch located to the far right. The default is set to enable . It is recommended to accept automatic updates; however, this switch allows users the ability to control when the agent is updated.
  3. Either leave the switch enabled or slide the switch to the left to disable the agent from automatically updating.