Managing Triggers and Alarms

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The Tools section of the CommandCTRL application provides a comprehensive interface for monitoring and managing triggers and alarms associated with your machines. These triggers and alarms are visible in real-time and include historical data, enhancing your visibility and control over your environment.

Viewing and Customizing Triggers

Upon accessing the triggers, you may find that the default settings do not align with your specific needs. While system triggers cannot be modified directly (they can only be enabled or disabled), you can duplicate these triggers to create customizable versions. This allows you to tailor the conditions and behavior of the triggers to better suit your environment.

Editing and Creating Triggers

When you choose to edit an existing trigger or create a new one, you will be presented with several configuration options:


  • Name: Assign a name to the trigger, which will be displayed in the trigger list.
  • Description: Provide a description for the trigger to clarify its purpose and conditions.


  • Field: Select the metric you wish to monitor, such as CPU usage, memory load, etc.
  • Operator (Op): Determine the condition to evaluate, such as whether the metric is greater than or less than a specified value.
  • Value: Set the threshold that the metric must reach to activate the trigger. For instance, you might set this to 80% for CPU usage.
  • Interval: Define how many consecutive times the condition must be met before an alarm is triggered. This setting helps differentiate between transient spikes and persistent issues. For instance, configuring a trigger with a value greater than 80% CPU usage over 6 intervals means:
    • Real-Time: While in Real-Time mode only one 3 second interval is honored. For example, if the CPU usage exceeds 80% for one 3 second sample the violation will be highlighted.
    • History: The condition persists for 60 seconds (6 intervals, each lasting 10 seconds), indicating a more consistent issue.
    • Note: Remember, system triggers are pre-defined and cannot be edited. They can only be enabled or disabled according to your monitoring needs.