Stop, Start, Restart, Disable, or Remove a Service

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The tasks of stopping, starting, restarting, disabling, and removing a service are all carried out on the same screen within CommandCTRL. To perform any of these actions, complete the following steps:

  1. In the side navigation panel, go to InventoryMachines.
  2. On the Machines screen that appears, locate and click the name of the machine that is running the service you want to manage.
  3. In the side navigation panel, go to Task ManagerServices.
  4. On the Services screen that opens, scroll through the list or use the search field to locate the service you want to manage.
  5. Click one of the following icons in the service's row:
    • (Stop)—Stops a service that is currently running. 
    • (Start)—Starts a service that is not currently running.
    • (Restart)—Restarts a service that was previously running.
    • (Disable)—Prevents a service from being able to continue to run on the machine.
    • (Remove)—Removes a service from the machine.