What’s New for CompactVHD?

Version 1.2: Released November 20, 2024

What's New

Each backup disk created can be deleted immediately after the respective compact job is completed by using the "/EraseBKInline" switch. This will allow backup disks to be deleted incrementally rather than accumulate and occupy more storage space before a separate backup job is performed.

Known Issues/Limitations

In some cases, compacting 20 GB dynamic VHD files does not free up as much space as you might expect when optimized. VHDX files do not have the same issue. Therefore, to recover more free space, using VHDX files instead of VHD files is suggested.

Version 1.15: Released August 3, 2021

What's New

In the event the CompactVHD tool fails to compact a disk because it cannot safely find VHDX child disks, you can now override this check. If you are not using ProfileUnity multi-session or FSLogix multi-session VHDXs, you can append the “/IgnoreFailedParentChecks” switch to the command line to override this check.

Known Issues/Limitations

In some cases, compacting 20 GB dynamic VHD files does not free up as much space as you might expect when optimized. VHDX files do not have the same issue. Therefore, to recover more free space, using VHDX files instead of VHD files is suggested.

Version 1.12: Released June 17, 2021

What's New

Additional Optimization steps were added to help reduce the overall size even more.

Issues Resolved

  • Fixed an issue where a corrupted VHDX would halt the entire job.
  • Fixed an issue where not finding a child disk on a corrupted VHDX would halt the entire job.

Known Issues/Limitations

In some cases, compacting 20 GB dynamic VHD files does not free up as much space as you might expect when optimized. VHDX files do not have the same issue. Therefore, to recover more free space, using VHDX files instead of VHD files is suggested.

Version 1.10: Released May 10, 2021

Issues Resolved

Fixed an issue where the newly optimized VHDX is put back into place, but the original NTFS ACLs were not cloned to the new disk.

Known Issues/Limitations

In some cases, compacting 20 GB dynamic VHD files does not free up as much space as you might expect when optimized. VHDX files do not have the same issue. Therefore, to recover more free space, using VHDX files instead of VHD files is suggested.

Version 1.09: Released March 5, 2021

The first version of the VHD compacting tool is released to market. This tool enables the recovery of unused storage space inside of expandable virtual hard disks.

Known Issues/Limitations

In some cases, compacting 20 GB dynamic VHD files does not free up as much space as you might expect when optimized. VHDX files do not have the same issue. Therefore, to recover more free space, using VHDX files instead of VHD files is suggested.